Es un caso muy concreto, pero que nos sucede sobre todo cuando remodelamos una web antigua que tiene muchas entradas. Tanto si venimos de un WP bastante antiguo como de otro CMS, puede que no se esté usando el campo «featured image» y en su lugar haya un meta field, u otro mecanismo.
Hay plugins que facilitan esto, pero si queremos tener todo el control para traernos fotos desde url’s externas y setearlas como featured, esta clase de Brian Fegter funciona estupendamente, y es facilmente modificable.
Solo colocar en functions.php, tocarla un poco, e importar las imágenes (quitandola después)
class Featured_Image_Migration{
#Instantiate the migration by hitting /wp-admin/?migrate-post-meta=foobar
protected $key = 'migrate-post-meta';
protected $secret = 'foobar';
#This is your legacy meta_key
protected $meta_key = 'mainimg_medium';
function __construct(){
#Force this to run last so all includes are available
add_action( 'admin_init', array($this, 'migrate_post_meta'), 999999 );
public function migrate_post_meta(){
#Verify authorization and authentication
if ( ! $this->verify_request() )
global $wpdb;
#Retrieve all featured image postmeta rows from prior theme
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = %s", $this->meta_ );
$results = $wpdb->get_results( $query );
if ( $results ){
foreach( $results as $result ){
#Check if meta_value is a path
if( preg_match( '/\//', $result->meta_value ) ){
$this->get_attachment_by_url( $result->meta_value, $result->post_id );
#Check if meta_value is an ID
if( is_int( (int)$result->meta_value ) )
#Add a native WordPress featured image postmeta row
if( update_post_meta( $result->post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $result->meta_value ) )
#Send a message to the screen
show_message( "Post #$result->post_id - Featured image was set properly." );
#Kill the admin process to see the message log
private function verify_request(){
#Only admins and those with the key/secret can run this in wp-admin
if( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && isset( $_GET[$key] ) && $_GET[$key] === $secret )
return true;
return false;
private function get_attachment_by_url( $url, $post_id ){
global $wpdb;
#This is about as close as we can come to finding the attachment
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID from $wpdb->posts WHERE guid = %s LIMIT 1", $url );
$id = $wpdb->get_var( $query );
#We found a match in the database!
return $id;
#If the URL is external, download the image into the post attachments
add_action( 'add_attachment', array( $this, 'add_attachment') );
$attachment = media_sideload_image( $url, $post_id );
remove_action( 'add_attachment', array( $this, 'add_attachment') );
public function add_attachment($id){
#Get attachment post object
$attachment = get_post( $id );
#Add our newly sideloaded attachment as the featured image
if( update_post_meta( $attachment->post_parent, '_thumbnail_id', $attachment->ID ) )
show_message( "Post #$attachment->post_parent - Featured image was sideloaded and set properly." );
new Featured_Image_Migration;